问: 我使用的 CentOS,如何在 Linux 中显示所有已安装的软件包?
答: 您需要使用 rpm 命令来在 Linux 中显示所有已安装的软件包
Red Hat/Fedora Core/CentOS Linux
Type the following command to get list of all installed software
# rpm -qa | less
Debian Linux
Type the following command to get list of all installed software:
# dpkg --get-selections
Ubuntu Linux
Type the following command to get list of all installed software:
# sudo dpkg --get-selections
Type the following command to get list of all installed software:
# pkg_info | less
# pkg_info apache
Use pkg_version command to summarizes the versions of all installed packages:
# pkg_version | less
# pkg_version | grep 'lsof'
OpenBSD also use pkg_info command to display list of all installed packages or software:
# pkg_info | less
# pkg_info apache
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