ICANN终止OpenTLD(Freenom)认证 – 域名转移到Gandi

”人人都熟悉的名字“ — Freenom.com

已经使用了近十年,很好的一家,良心域名注册商,还是被遭到了毒打。Freenom以极低的价格提供域名注册,费用号称成本价,比如.NL 、.EU,还提供TK、CF、GA、GQ、ML 域名的免费注册。最早就是从免费的.TK 域名知道它的。

大约从2023年初开始,已经很久不能注册新域名了。之前看到说是,被Facebook母公司Meta , 在美国加利福尼亚州法院起诉 。被起诉后 Freenom 就由于技术原因新注册申请暂停,当前正在研究解决方案,希望尽快恢复运营。

2024年1月15日我还曾在Freenom续费域名,到2月初,发现域名已经无法续费了。2024/2/12收到了Gandi.net 的支持邮件,告知ICANN终止了OpenTLD(Freenom)的认证- 域名转移到Gandi:

Gandi Support: OpenTLD (Freenom) ICANN accreditation termination – Transfer to Gandi – Recover your domain

Dear registrant,
We are reaching out to you as the owner of the domain name as32.net which was registered with the registrar OpenTLD B․V․, trading as Freenom.
Following the termination of OpenTLD accreditation, ICANN has selected Gandi as the gaining registrar for the gTLD domain names previously managed by OpenTLD. You can find more information about this transfer on the following ICANN page:
If you have not already recovered the management of this domain name at Gandi, please follow the link below. You will be able to import the domain name into your Gandi account if you already have one, or create a Gandi account to be able to manage your domain name.
Import your domain name
We kindly request your attention to the following points:
– Gandi does not provide proxy and privacy services. Consequently, your contact information has been sent to the registry. However in the Whois public database, personal data remain hidden in accordance with ICANN rules. Only the organisation name for legal persons, the state (if available) and the country of the owner contact are published. Email addresses of domain name contacts are anonymized.
– The expiration date of the domain name remains unchanged. You can verify the expiration date via your Gandi account and proceed with renewal if necessary.
Should you have any question, our support team will be delighted to help you:
Thank you for your attention to this matter.

about this transfer on the following ICANN page:

请注意:下表列出了因注册服务机构的认证被 ICANN 终止后所致的批量转移事件。此外,批量转移日期将在终止日期之后。

Terminated RegistrarGaining RegistrarTermination Date
OpenTLD B.V. (IANA #1666)Gandi SAS (IANA #81)25 November 2023


2024 年 2 月 12 日,知名域名注册服务提供商 Freenom 通过其官方网站发布公告,表示 Freenom 及其相关公司已决定退出域名业务,包括注册机构的运营。

Freenom 公司已于 2023 年 3 月 9 日全面停止了新域名的注册业务,但未回收已注册域名且域名到期续费功能也保持开放状态,直到近期宣布“退出域名业务”决定后开始大量收回已注册域名。
Freenom 公司官方宣布内容译文及原文如下:
阿姆斯特丹,2024 年 2 月 12 日。Freenom 今天宣布已解决 Meta Platforms, Inc. Freenom 承认 Meta 在实施其知识产权和保护其用户免受欺诈和滥用方面的合法权益。
Freenom 及其相关公司也已独立决定退出域名业务,包括注册机构的运营。在 Freenom 结束其域名业务的同时,Freenom 将把 Meta 旗下公司视为可信赖的通知方,并将实施阻止列表,以应对未来的网络钓鱼、DNS 滥用和抢注行为。
Karin Versteeg
Press Statement
Amsterdam, 12th of February 2024. Freenom today announced it has resolved the lawsuit brought by Meta Platforms, Inc. on confidential monetary and business Terms. Freenom recognizes Meta’s legitimate interest in enforcing its intellectual property rights and protecting its users from fraud and abuse.
Freenom and its related companies have also independently decided to exit the domain name business, including the operation of registries. While Freenom winds down its domain name business, Freenom will treat the Meta family of companies as a trusted notifier and will also implement a block list to address future phishing, DNS abuse, and cybersquatting.
For further inquiries, please contact:
Karin Versteeg
域名注册商 Freenom 宣布退出域名业务 大规模回收免费域名










作者: Mr.Tang



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